Sunday 6 April 2014

reaching a major goal in life

one thing have been plagued by entire life is the extreme sensory issues have got with water.
in the past,had been physicaly forced into baths with shorts on and held in there and shouted to stay in-was in extreme pain from the water.

however,as the years have past,have developed tolerance for water in the lower limb areas as these have the least nerve endings.
have always wanted to go to waterparks/swimming baths and have been held back; not just because of the water issues but also the hearing issues as swimming baths have loud echoing.

greenways intelectual disability hospital had helped self get used to water on limbs using the foot spa and it gave a real taste for water.
so a plan had been set in motion....
upon being discharged from greenways had gone along to the IIIC disability expo in manchester and the disability services lady representing blackpools 'sandcastle' waterpark said the use of a wet suit woud be allowed under the circumstances of mine,yay.

last week,the plan became reality,had gone along to decathalon and bought a 'shortie' wet suit, had also found out theres a swimming pool that can be privately hired in manchester for twelve pound per person for an hour and have booked it,its a good intro into the world of swimming as an adult whose never swum; with severe autism.
have also got a body board to.

have been getting used to being in the water by going in the bath with the wet suit on-

really cant wait to go eventualy go to sandcastle waterpark.

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