Friday 24 June 2011

a mixed photo thread

am using this post to organise a load of photos for use on a forum; that had taken quite recently,they have all been taken with a mid range panasonic hard drive based digital camcorder and have not changed any of their sizes-they just happen to be lower res because of the lack of quality from camcorders taking photos.

this was on a day out to the peak district recently,taken through our tinted windows [aka dirty] so they turned out well.

was on a day out yesterday to north wales and we visited rhyl/around it,here are some pictures that had taken,they have far better ones on the house camera though.
this beach shot in rhyl,wales was taken yesterday [thursday],love watching and listening to the waves so had taken a few shots of it against the sewage pipe as well as video.

again,this waterfall was in wales,to be exact we were in costs to get in and see the waterfall but its well worth it.

this was dyserth waterfall again,except it was the river that runs down from it,the bridge is where the waterfall can be viewed easily from.

had taken this next group of photos whilst out in stockport one day,the planes are very high up and are tiny to the eyes,but because of the zoom on the camera had managed to get several attempts-thought it was pretty cool.

had taken these chicken photos whilst on a day out at chatsworth house-some big royal estate thing [had made a post about it on here somewhere].
the colours on these chucks were awesome,and they were also fully free range to,which was another thing woud recommend visiting for besides all the other stuff the place offers.

this chuck was telling us what to kiss,knowing what is on hennys arse; think am gonna pass on that one.

chicken line dancing.

like all men,they like to pose in photos,this cockrel was a real poser,he knew he was beautiful and didnt mind telling us about it.

spotted this gypsies pony tethered up somewhere we had all stopped at an offlicence to get something or other,so had just sat there in the minibus taking loads of shots of this gorgeous cob hoping they woud turn out ok because of the dirt on the windows.
dont understand gypsies and travellers at all sometimes,tethering ponies on a rope which is long enough to get a leg tangled up in and also long enough for them to get hit by a car.

and finally here are some kitteh photos,though have got plenty of those already posted on here and catster: [that is biscuits page but the rest can be clicked onto via it].

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